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Marisol Rodriguez


 Habló Español

Hi there, I am a mother, a wife, and a grandmother and I have over 16 years of experience in the insurance industry. I became involved in insurance after I realized I was so underinsured for my needs and did not understand how insurance worked. I love to help people and make insurance fun (because it can be very boring!). I believe in the Golden Rule to treat others as you would like to be treated. I look forward to speaking to you about your health insurance needs and options. You can set an appointment over the phone, via video chat, or in person.

Hola, soy Madre, esposa y abuela y tengo mas de 16 anos de experiencia en la industria de Seguro’s. Me involucre en el seguro despues de darme cuenta de que no estaba asegurada adequadamente para mi necesidades y no entendia como funcionaba el seguro. Me encanta ayudar a la gente y hacer que el seguro sea divertido (porque puede ser muy aburrido!) Creo que en la Regla de Oro tratar a los demas como le gustaria ser tratado. Espero poder hablar con usted sobre sus opciones de seguro medico.

Marisol specializes in Medicare, Individual Health Insurance, Ancillary, and Dental & Vision.

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I have worked with Jennifer Lorenz and her entire team for over 6 years. Each...


Always about your business. Job gets done professionally, efficiently and...

Ahmed Sakeen
Ahmed S